Upcoming events:

About us

We are Prism SMP, a vanilla-survival server.

The server is light on plugins, with only a few included to help moderate and keep things running smoothly. The gameplay is only affected in small ways.

We have an associated discord server for you to talk to the other members, and potentially make some friends! You can chat to people in-game directly from the discord and vice-versa, to allow easy communication.

To fit with the theme, instead of a long list of rules, we have a constitution. Basically this is just like a terms and conditions, but you don't have to read it
(by joining you agree to it though).

We also feature a unique way of handling troublemakers. Moderators will arrest the person responsible and question them and gather evidence, if the person responsible isn't clear, then we will hold a trial to see who is guilty. Everyone will have a chance to defend themselves.

To join, click the button above, you will then be asked a series of questions and current members will review your application and either accept you into Prism or deny you to try again later.

Technical Minecraft

We've disabled a lot of the normal server optimisations that break vanilla redstone contraptions, we want you to be able to make your wildest designs as long as they follow our rules.


Create or join communities to get your own channel and VC, share resources and participate in minigames as a group.

Events and Giveaways

We host giveaways for a game on Steam, Discord Nitro and more, and we also host events such as UHCs, build competitions and more.